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Like many others before you who have visited this site, you've come seeking a place of worship where you come hungry and leave filled.The Kingdom of Heaven Ministries is comprised of men and women, young and old, all with one goal in mind; to preach the gospel of the kingdom of heaven! In a world where churches are filled with pastors preaching philosophies and denominational doctrines, we strive to base our teaching solely upon the Word of God!


We believe that without faith it is impossible to please God. We believe that faith, or great faith as Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 8:10, can be summed up in these words,


"Faith is expecting the word of God to do what it says and depending upon that word alone to do what it says. As that is faith and as faith comes by the word of God, it is plain that the word of God, in order to inculcate faith, must teach that the word has in itself power to accomplish what itself says."


We pray that you will find a place here with us as we continue to grow closer to God in spirit and in truth through faith in His Word.


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