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If we had to sum our biblical principles into key words, then they would be 

Faith, Purpose & Holiness.


FAITH. Faith is hearing the word of God and believing that that same word will accomplish what it says it will accomplish. We believe that without faith it is impossible to please Him. We understand that faith without works is dead, and thus works without faith is also dead. We need not wrestle with the cares of this world nor the struggles of life because we are convinced that if God has said it, then that settles it. The bible says that His eye is on the sparrow and the lily in the field, and if He takes care for them, then how much more would He do for us. Are we not more valuable than many sparrows? Thus we hold fast to the promise that if we trust in Him, He will supply all of our needs. His word evens says that we will ask what we will and it shall be given. It's so comforting to know that He will take care of us!


PURPOSE. The bible says that before we were in our mother's womb, God knew us and had already predestined us for His purpose. Because God has predestined us, we are confident that no life is unimportant or a mistake. We are also confident that He will order our steps if we seek Him. Therefore we strive to be even as He is, for we know that we are crucified with Christ and although we live, it is not us that lives but Christ that lives in us. Thus our actions, our words, our deeds, and even our thoughts should be in such a manner that will constantly bring honor and glory to the Father.


HOLINESS. We are called to be holy, set apart, perfect "as our Father in heaven is perfect". In our human strength this is impossible, but we know with God all things are possible. (This requires faith, thus it is the basis of our belief). We cannot believe that perfection in Christ is possible unless we have faith. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and believing that it will accomplish the thing that is said it would accomplish. This is the reason why some struggle in sin. It is not because we cannot be perfect or holy; rather it is because we have no faith to believe that He is able to keep us from falling. Thus we have to trust God to do what His Word says He will do, that is to make and keep us holy.



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