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When it comes to doctrine, we must be careful that every belief is based and founded on the Word of God. We must thoroughly and carefully study the scriptures seeking the spirit of God to lead and direct us into ALL truth. That being said, we do not know everything nor claim to. There are a lot of churches who claim to have the whole truth and nothing but the truth but the bible says that we know in part and we prophesy in part. We see through a glass darkly. There are still truths God wishes to reveal to us, therefore we should test all things and hold fast to that which is good. Thus the fundamental belief of the Mattaniah Church is this, the Word of God. We strive to seek God's word for every truth basing every belief on the word of God.


When truth is realized and understood we submit ourselves to His will in obedience, not because of religion or denominational loyalty but because we love Him, for He says, If you love me keep my commandments. Never should we base our beliefs on traditions of man or theologies of denominations rather we are to show ourselves approved unto God. If His word says it, then that settles it!

Bro. Wallace is just like you...a sinner saved by God's grace. Unlike most, Bro. Wallace realized his calling but decided to be like Jonah. After many years of running from God's calling, his zeal for the care of God's sheep brought him out of the belly of the fish and back into ministry. Passionate about ministry, his focus is teaching the people of God to have faith and total dependence on the Word of God.


Bro. Wallace is married to the former Roxanne Green of Lakeland, FL. A man of many talents, willing to use them all for God's glory, His two favorite scriptures are Psalms 8:4, "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" and Ecclesiates 11:4 "He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap."


His main focus is preaching the gospel of the kingdom because the kingdom of God is truly at hand. 


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