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Persistence. Jesus tells a parable in Luke 18:1-8 of a judge who feared neither God or regarded man. In that same city was a widow who wanted justice from her adversary. She bothered the judge day and night; so much that he got tired of hearing her ask him for justice. What did he do? The bible says he said to himself, I don't fear God or regard man but this woman is bothering me so much, I will go ahead and avenge her for I know if I don't she will continue to weary me. Jesus then asks, If this unjust judge can say this, will not God avenge His own who cry to Him day and night?

Persistence. It is through our persistent prayers to God that give us our break through.

Consider Elijah on Mt Carmel. He prayed for rain and sent his servant back seven times until God sent a little cloud. Persistence. Blind Bartimaeus when he heard Jesus was passing by cried "Thou Son of David have mercy on me!" They told him to shut up, they tried to keep him quiet but he was persistent and cried louder! "Thou Son of David have mercy on me!" If only we were persistent in our prayers. God wants us to be like Jacob and proclaim, I will not let you go until you bless me!

One writer puts it this way; Persistent prayer is "knocking until your knuckles are raw, crying out until your voice is lost, pleading until your tears run dry. Praying hard is praying through." Prayer is a no-lose proposition. His Word says that if we ask, He will answer. The question is, will you be persistent and keep asking until He answers.


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