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Where's that seed??

About a month ago I planted two mango seeds and a grapefruit seed. Today when I checked one of the pots I realized that it was full of weeds. Because I'd never planted grapefruits before, I had no idea how the sprout would look like. I knew... that some of the weeds were not grapefruits so I began to pull them up. The more I pulled the more I realized that If I kept pulling up weeds, that I would eventually uproot the indistinguishable grapefruit sprout. In Matthew 13:24-30 Jesus tells His disciples about a man who planted good seed in his field. At harvest time his servants noticed that the field of wheat was littered with tares. They asked what happened and the man said, An enemy has done this. When they asked if they should go and pull up the tares, he replied no. Wait until the time of harvest and then the reapers will go and gather the tares in bundles and burn them and the wheat they'll put in the barn. Not everybody in a church is planted by God. Some are planted by the enemy. But God warns us that if we try and root them out that we do more harm than good. Some plants grow faster than other, others produce fruit less frequently but whether good or bad, all eventually bear fruit. And even after the fruit is shown and someone seems to bear bad fruit, let them grow until the time of harvest. When fruit has time to grow, it has time to mature and it's fruit ripeness. Are the seeds getting adequate water? Is the soil well nourished? Is it receiving sunlight or is something blocking the view of the sun? Often the problem is not with the seed, but the ground in which it is placed. Some churches need to learn how to water and feed their members. Some need to know how to provide good dirt. A vast majority need to make sure that the Son is allowed to shine freely without any man made shelters of doctrine. Then and only then will that field truly bring forth much fruit. Blessings

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