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Raw, Medium, & Well-Done

My wife and I love watching Food Network’s Chopped. We both love to dream about cooking some of the dishes and we both dislike how some of the chefs when they think they are about to get chopped cry in an attempt to butter up the judges. Like with other cooking competitions, the meat portions are always judged on the basis of it being cooked to medium-rare. That is, not raw, but not fully cooked either. And what God showed me, while my mind drifted off into Chopped kitchen, was that we often present ourselves to Him not raw or fully cooked, but medium-rare.

And unlike the judges on Chopped, He's not pleased. He says in Revelations 3:15 “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.” God says, “I wish you were either hot or cold.” In between is not good enough. Medium-rare does not please God! It may be good enough for Chopped but God wants consistency. Be raw or well done, “cold or hot.”

We spend our entire lives thinking that we can serve Satan while still serving God. We give excuses like, “The Lord knows my heart.” Yes. He does know our hearts! That’s why He says in Jeremiah 17:9-10 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” He asks “who can know it?” “I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” Thinking that because God knows that we’re sinful makes sinning okay is a huge deception. He says that he will give us according to our ways and our doings. We will reap what we sow, because God is not mocked.

Simply put, we need to choose this day whom we will serve. If God is God, then serve Him. And if something or somebody else is god, then serve it/them. No more excuses. No more sitting on the fence. No more form of godliness without power. So choose.

Cold....or hot.

He would rather you be hot or cold than lukewarm. “I wish” He says, “that you were cold or hot. But because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.” Rev. 3:16


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