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Who Are You?

What is your purpose? God says in Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

So then, what is your purpose? Specifically, what has God made you for? What were you created to do? Your phone was created specifically for making phone calls. Now image if everyone started using phones as coasters. Sure, they would be effective to a certain degree and would work for some time, but the problem is that a phone was never designed to be a coaster; it was created to be a phone. And no matter how effective it is as a coaster, it will never truly live out its purpose until it’s used as a phone.

What a waste it would be for God to have created you for a specific purpose yet you live your entire life being something that you were not created to be. Teaching when you should be singing, preaching when you should be writing, dancing when you should be building. And yes, your life may be great outside your purpose. You could have everything you desire and still not be living up to your purpose.

With approximately 7.3 billion people on this earth, there is no one like you. There may be people that look like you, talk like you and walk like you but they’re not you. You are unique. You are, the bible says, fearfully and wonderfully made. You owe it to yourself to find out what your God given purpose is. You will never truly have joy in this world until you are living out your purpose.


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