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The smaller the package....

The things that God have in store for you are absolute. They are guaranteed but you have to have faith that he who is faithful to speak of the blessings that he has, is also more than faithful to give and deliver those some blessings to you! Without delay, without reservation, without regard and without hindrance from the evil one! To assume that Satan can hinder your blessing is to regard the Lord God Almighty as of lesser power than the wicked one.

In Matthew 17:14-20 a man comes to Jesus and asks Him to heal his son. His son was being tormented by a demon and the man had brought his son to the disciples with no avail. Jesus rebukes the devil and the man is freed. His disciples asked Him, Why couldn't we cast him out? Jesus says, "Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."

The key is faith! Not even a lot of faith, but a little bit! The size of a mustard seed! Thus I say to you today, have faith. If His Word says it, then that settles it! We have to take God at His word, knowing that His word will not return to Him void.


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